Friday, November 07, 2008

Mailin' Palin

Now that was quick: Looks like Sarah Palin has already moved on professionally and refashioned herself as copy editor for the Daily Mail. Her first job - a headline:
Britain now official drugs capital of Europe.

As Alice said: "London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome."

[UPDATE]: Ooops - didn't realise that there is actually a blog called "Mailin' Pailin", through which Lady Also/Our Mother of Wassila/Caribou Barbie/Bible Spice - you name her - or a cunning understudy, appears to give sound advice to survivalists, knife fetishists and other suchlike people. The page can be found here:

For further, disillusioning Alaska reading, I recommend T.C. Boyle, Drop City. And if, like Bing, you bemoan the fact that the dulcet tones of our beloved Sarah's voice are already beginning to fade, you might like Ben Elton's Blind Faith, a potentially evocative bit of dystopia that ever so often echoes her majesty's Ciceronian eloquence and intellectual brilliance.

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